Breakout: Episode 1: 4K Digital Cinema Cameras and Indie Film Making

10th June 2015

The Great Escape Team discuss the influence of 4K on indie film making in our debut podcast.

The Great Escape Breakout: Episode 1: 4K Cinema Cameras and Indie Filmmaking

In the pilot episode of our new podcast, the Great Escape team get together to chat about the influence of high quality digital cinema cameras on the indie film making scene.

It doesn’t all go to plan and we frequently find ourselves derailed by the more rant-worthy topic of 3D.

Find out more

We’ve pulled together a few links where you can read more about 4K, digital filmmaking, and the examples we discuss in the podcast.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

We hope you enjoy this debut episode of Breakout. If you’d like to receive alerts for future episodes, like and/or subscribe!

Next time, we tackle the future of web series.

Ben Langdale
Felek Werpachowski
Chrissey Harrison
Rich Jeffery
Mark Adams
Sound Production - Rich Jeffery

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The Great Escape